New Article on the Colorado Plateau Coring Project

I apologize for the hiatus since the last set of posts but I was very busy finishing up my scholastic career, as well as maintain my full-time job, and we as my private life with home and family.  I hope to start posting regularly again and possibly even something more than just new paper updates, but we shall see.

This is an article that came out this week on the Colorado Plateau Coring Project work that was completed earlier at Petrified Forest National Park and what we hope to learn from this core.  The core is presently being CT scanned at the UT Austin and after that is will be split and the detailed research started.

This summer we will continue work on the layer briefly mentioned in the article and video. An extremely fossiliferous layer we affectionately call the 'poop layer' because it is not only chock full of bones (micro- and macro-) but also a predominance of coprolites.  I'll post updates on our work during the summer.  In the meantime enjoy the article and video.

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